Welcome to ND Perspective
ND Perspective, founded by Jessica Dark, Psychologist and Neuro-Inclusion Specialist, offers an inclusive online community for neurodivergent people and supporters to network, connect with neuro-inclusive services and learn about neurodiversity and holistic wellbeing together.
Services Offered by ND Perspective:
Post-Diagnostic Support
The Authentically ND Post-Diagnostic Support package provides a 12-month programme designed to support adults newly identifying as neurodivergent. Whether you are identifying as neurodivergent through diagnosis or self-identification, this journey can bring relief, validation, but also a re-evaluation of life experiences that may be challenging to navigate alone. At ND Perspective, we offer personalised and group support to help you explore your neurodivergent identity, rebuild emotional well-being, and reconnect with your authentic self.
Wellbeing Mentoring & Advocacy with Jess
As the founder of ND Perspective, I adopt an Edu-Care approach in my Autism and ADHD mentoring, creating a supportive space for people identifying as neurodivergent to explore supports and strategies that prioritise personal well-being and support work-life balance.
My advocacy work includes supporting you to access services and supports, from filling out PIP and Access to Work applications, navigating Right to Choose or the NHS complaints process, through to negotiating reasonable adjustments with your employer.
Book a free 30 minute exploration call today to learn more.
Access to Work Packages
Access to Work support packages, launch in spring 2025. These packages are designed to meet the diverse needs of the neurodivergent community at various career stages. Whether entering the workforce, returning after a break, or navigating the complexities of self-employment, our offerings provide practical guidance and tailored solutions for career success.
Training & Consultancy
Our bespoke training and consultancy services span education and the workplace, raising awareness of neurodiversity and equipping schools, colleges, universities and organisations with the tools to support neurodivergent people throughout their lives. Contact us today to discuss your neuro-inclusion requirements.